
A Guide to Lead-Free Children’s Food Brands

If you’ve been following our lead poisoning series, you know now that up to 95% of children’s foods are considered contaminated with heavy metals...

TRAILS Supports Communities in Preventing Teen Suicide

Youth are struggling with suicide and suicidal ideation at alarming and increasing rates nationally, according to Natalie Burns, director of suicide prevention and risk...

Ann Arbor Family ‘Most Read Articles of 2024’

Thank you for reading Ann Arbor Family in 2024. We rounded out the top read stories written in 2024. We are looking forward to...

How to Safely Celebrate a Shared Holiday Meal with Food Allergies

When you or your loved one has a food allergy, holidays which were once a source of joy suddenly transform into a minefield. Whether you’re...

CareYaya Connects College Students with Families in Need

In a time where quality eldercare is both crucial and increasingly difficult to find, CareYaya emerges as a beacon of innovation.

Tips on Achieving Better Sleep While Pregnant

Expecting a baby is an exciting experience, but it can also bring about many changes in a woman's body. One of these changes is...

Washtenaw County Health Department Encourages Vaccinations

As the time of year approaches where more people get sick from COVID-19, flu, and RSV, the Washtenaw County Health Department is encouraging everyone...

Surviving the Tantrum Hangover: A Parent’s Experience

When it comes to tantrums, parents are like seismologists: We’re intimately familiar with what may trigger an outburst in our kids, and we can...

Healing Hearts Family 5K Walk/Run Will Benefit Ele’s Place Ann Arbor

Lace up your running shoes. It is time for the third annual Healing Hearts Family 5K Walk/Run to benefit Ele’s Place Ann Arbor. The walk/run...

Corner Health Center Introduces New Fathers For Family Program

Ypsilanti’s Corner Health Center began “Fathers for Family,” a new expansive department that helps provide resources and mentorship to new fathers-to-be. This service will...

Parents Struggle to Find a Work-Life Balance That Supports Children’s Mental Health

Parents often have to miss work to care for a sick child at home. In recent years, a growing number of parents are reporting...

It’s Tick Season: What You Should (And Should Not) Do If Bitten

When it comes to ticks, timely removal of these embedded pests is key as this reduces the transmission of saliva that could carry harmful...