

It’s Sledding Season! It’s Flu Season! Top Urgent Cares in Washtenaw County

It’s the weekend. What started out as a little sniffle is now a full-blown cough, fever, and to top it off ear pain. Winter brings a variety of illness and when you need care fast, or after hours, an urgent care can provide medical care for common non-life threatening situations. And as a bonus can save you a bundle by avoiding a visit to the emergency room. We’ve put together a list of convenient urgent care options around Ann Arbor.

The Best Indoor Play Places for Kids Around Ann Arbor

While it's cold outside, it's fun to find local indoor play places. Here are a few great spots to check out in and around Washtenaw County.

Ypsilanti Community Schools Events Celebrate Diversity

Ypsilanti Community Schools (YCS) are celebrating diversity through the arts. Through a partnership with Embracing Our Differences (EOD), YCS will soon be hosting an...

Eager For Easter Egg-citement? Hop This Way!

March 31 Milan Flashlight Easter Egg Hunt Bring your flashlight and basket to the Milan Flashlight Egg Hunt at Wilson Park. Check-in begins at 8:30 p.m.,...

5 Events to Celebrate the Week of St. Patrick’s Day

It is the week of St. Patrick’s Day, meaning it is the time of year to pull out your green and spend a little...

5 Merry Manners to Help Kids Handle the Holiday Season

‘Tis the season for celebrations both large and small, and with that, tired and generally overwhelmed children to bring along.  Holidays often come with big...

Safe and Festive Holiday Decorating With Pets

The holiday season is approaching along with a variety of different traditions. For many people, they look forward to decorating their home for the...

Storybook Trail Guide for Southeastern Michigan

What better way to enjoy a sunny day than with a stroll through a book? Come visit some of the Southeast Michigan's storybook trails to enjoy great children's books and an outdoor adventure.

Learn more about your family tree on FamilySearch

The Ann Arbor District Library offers many genealogical research databases including FamilySearch. FamilySearch is a free genealogy record base provided by The Church of...

A Kid Again Michigan Helps Cultivate Happy Memories for Children with Life-Threatening Conditions

Family time is important and creates core memories for children as they grow. And family time is even more precious for those raising children...