2021 Giving Tuesday Roundup

Listing of local Washtenaw County nonprofits, with their missions and donation links to make your Giving Tuesday easier. 

Don’t see one of your favorites?  Email:  annarboreditor@adamsstreetpublishing.com

Alpha House : Supporting Homeless Families and their Children as they Build a Better Future.

Ann Arbor Summer Fest (A2SF) : Celebrate Giving Tuesday with a Free Concert

Join soul singer and bassist Gwenyth Hayes virtually from Leon Loft and help us raise $25,000 to strengthen and sustain A2SF as we plan for a much-anticipated return to Top of the Park next year. Tune in at 7:00pm EST Tuesday, November 30 on their social media channels to enjoy the show

A2SF is an independent, non-profit dedicated to presenting a world-class celebration of arts and entertainment that enriches the cultural, economic, and social vitality of the region.

Ann Arbor Art Center (A2AC) : to be a contemporary forum for the visual arts through education, exploration, collaboration and exhibition. We engage minds, expand perspectives and inspire growth in students of all ages, teachers, artists and the community.

Ann Arbor YMCA to put our core values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility into action through facilities and programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all.

Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation : More than 50 years ago, residents established the foundation as a permanent source of community capital in Washtenaw County. Think of it as a savings account for the community, with proceeds from our endowed funds distributed as grants for local nonprofits and scholarships. Search the various funds for your preferred donation destination.

The Ark : The Ark is Michigan’s nonprofit home for folk and roots music. With live music over 300 nights each year in one of the best listening rooms anywhere, The Ark is renowned for the quality and breadth of its programming.

Avalon : to build healthy, safe and inclusive supportive housing communities
as a long-term solution to homelessness.

Big Brother Big Sister of Washtenaw County :  creating and supporting one-to-one mentoring relationship that ignites the power and promise of youth.​

Chad Tough : The ChadTough Defeat DIPG Foundation funds the most innovative, promising research on DIPG, which is underfunded compared to most cancers. The foundation is powered by parents who have faced a pediatric brain cancer diagnosis with their own children, many of whom have unfortunately passed away. The ChadTough Defeat DIPG research program is guided by a Scientific Advisory Council made up of the leading experts in the field.

Children’s Literacy Network :We are a volunteer-based nonprofit agency in Washtenaw County dedicated to closing the book and reading achievement gap to keep low-income students from falling further behind their more affluent peers.

Creature conservancy : The Creature Conservancy’s first priority is to serve as a sanctuary for animals in need.

Ele’s Place : Ele’s Place is a healing center for grieving children, teens, young adults, and their families.  Four branch locations support families throughout Ann Arbor, Grand Rapids, Flint, Lansing, and beyond. 

Girls Group : Girls Group empowers young women to achieve emotional and economic self-sufficiency by ensuring they graduate from high school and begin their college or career journeys.

Growing Hope  : Growing Hope fosters an equitable and sustainable local food system where all people are empowered to grow, sell, buy, prepare, and eat nourishing food.

Hands on Museum : The Mission of the Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum is to create moments of discovery that inspire curiosity, exploration and respect for STEM and the natural world. Our Vision is a world where curiosity today leads to more purposeful lives tomorrow.

Hope Clinic : Partners with the community to make lives better by providing free care for the whole person with Medical, Dental, Food, and Behavioral Health care

Humane Society of Huron Valley : HSHV is the only animal shelter in Washtenaw County, taking in all types of unwanted, injured, lost, stray, abandoned, and abused animals – helping over 24,000 animals and their people through our array of services every year.

Huron River Watershed Council : to protect and restore the river for healthy and vibrant communities.

Michigan Theater : The Michigan Theater Foundation is a non-profit organization focused on protecting the historic Michigan Theater and State Theatre located in the heart of downtown Ann Arbor.  The Michigan and State serve as the community’s year-round auditoriums for live events and cinema presentation and film culture, including the presentation of the Cinetopia Film Festival

Neutral Zone : The Neutral Zone is a diverse, youth-driven teen center dedicated to promoting personal growth through artistic expression, community leadership and the exchange of ideas. Our youth continues to be the heart and voice of Neutral Zone and the driving force behind the center’s creative program and opportunities.

North Star Reach :  North Star Reach provides life-changing camp experiences for children with serious health challenges and their families, free of charge.

Ozone House : Ozone House is a community-based, nonprofit agency that helps young people lead safe, healthy, and productive lives through intensive intervention and prevention services.

Peace Neighborhood Center:  Peace Neighborhood Center’s mission is to provide programs for children, families, and individuals who are affected by social and economic problems. Peace helps people discover options, enhance skills, and make choices that lead to self-sufficiency and positive community involvement.

Ronald McDonald House Ann Arbor (RMHAA) : provide critically ill children with communities of support, access to medical care and the healing power of family and home. Our objectives are clear: ease the emotional and financial burden families endure.

Safehouse : to provide safety, support, advocacy and resources for survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence and their children, and to work relentlessly to change the systems and attitudes that allow this abuse to continue. 

Shelter Association of Washtenaw County : primary provider of services and emergency shelter for around 1200 Washtenaw County individuals each year. The SAWC is housed at the Robert J. Delonis Center in downtown Ann Arbor. The SAWC works with a diverse range of people struggling with homelessness, including first-time homelessness, veterans, domestic violence survivors, and people battling substance abuse and/or mental health issues. 

United Way of Washtenaw County : Building a 100-year history, the United Way of Washtenaw County (UWWC) serves a county of 358,000, and focuses specifically on issues related to poverty and inequity.


University of Michigan Ann Arbor 


Ypsilanti Meals on Wheels : provides nutritious meals, social contact and other services to the homebound elderly, ill and disabled in eastern Washtenaw County, to enable them to enjoy healthier, safer, and more independent lives.

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